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Who Should Use Quick Help?

General Quick Help Button Configuration

Contact Name

Phone Number

Send Text Message

Send Email Message

Your Name and Your Phone Number

Changing Button Order

Who Should Use Quick Help?  Top↑

  • For Seniors – More and more seniors are using iPhones, and our Quick Help App could be critical in the saving of their life, whether they are home alone, or traveling.
  • For Children – Giving your children a quick and safe way to notify you when it is emergency, whether health related or even a possible abduction, along with sending you their GPS location, is something that every parent should not think twice about.
  • For Yourself – You might be thinking that you have your Favorite Contacts already programmed and you have easy access to them.  Well, during emergency situations, your physically ability maybe reduced, and standard favorite contacts do not send texts, emails and GPS locations while make the phone call to your contact.  Additionally, if you have young children, the Quick Help App is a great way to let your young children know that if they are with mommy or daddy, and something happens where mommy or daddy can’t move, all they need to do is pick up your phone, click on the Quick Help App and then click on the first emergency button.

General Quick Help Button Configuration  Top↑

  • Remember that the 5 emergency contact buttons can be for family and friends, but also for emergency numbers, such as Police 911.

Contact Name  Top↑

  • Input the contact name with something that is simple and easy for you, or your children, to understand, such as “Dad’s Cell Phone” or “Uncle John’s Cell”.  You can put in any length Contact Name you like, but it will get cut-off if it is too long.  If so, just click on the button in the Configuration screen and edit it to what you want.

Phone Number  Top↑

  • Just type the full phone number in with no spaces or dashes.  The system will configure it correctly, and foreign phone number are acceptable to use. 

Send Text Message  Top↑

  • The “Send Text Message (SMS)” will become available only after the Mobile option is chosen.  Once available, checking the box will automatically send an emergency notification text message to the cell phone that is dialed.

Send Email Message  Top↑

  • Entering the contact’s email address will automatically send an emergency notification message to the email address entered.

Your Name and Your Phone Number  Top↑

  • The Your Name field and Your Phone Number is for you to enter your name and phone number as it will appear in the text and/or email message that is sent.  The Your Name filed can be different for each contact button that you create, and allows you to personalize it for the contact receiving these messages.  For instant, if you have multiple people on your family with your same first name, you might want to configure your name for the message that is for your Dad’s contact button as, “Christopher, your son”.  This will allow your message to your dad to read, “This is Christopher, your son, contacting you from 5556667777, I need help.”

Changing Button Order  Top↑

  • In the Configure Screen, just tap and hold any button, and then drag it to the position you want it to be.

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